NatureHood Shoal Harbour


Shoal Harbour

(000) 000-0000

  • Monday – Friday
    9am – 5pm

Shoal Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary (MBS) is situated 30 km north of Victoria, British Columbia, in a protected bay near the eastern tip of Saanich Peninsula on Vancouver Island. The area, along with numerous small islands and sheltered marine waters stretching between the southern tip of Vancouver Island and Comox, constitutes the habitat of the Gulf Islands Biotic Area. The shoreline within the MBS itself alternates between rocky outcrops and beaches of sand, gravel and silt. The adjacent upland is highly altered by residential development, but remnants of the climax vegetation of Garry oak and arbutus are evident. Portions of the sanctuary contain mud flats that are exposed at low tide and have a productive marine fauna and flora. Sea lettuce and eelgrass are also commonly found in the MBS.

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